Friday, October 25, 2013

Best Bets for Breakfast In and Around Springmoor

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and at Springmoor most residents opt for something easy to prepare in the comfort of their own homes.  On some mornings though, a bowl of cold cereal or piece of toast or two just doesn’t cut it.  On those days, plenty of tempting breakfast options are conveniently located right in the neighborhood.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Local Pharmacist Speaks with Seniors about Medicare at Springmoor-Sponsored Community Seminars

Brent Talley
As pharmacist manager of Hayes Barton Pharmacy in Raleigh, Brent Talley often fields questions from his older customers about Medicare—what’s covered and what’s not—and he’s always happy to help them navigate what can be a very confusing system.

Which is why Brent—whose pharmacy delivers prescriptions to Springmoor on a weekly basis—has been invited to speak with seniors at a community seminar hosted by Springmoor to help them understand their options, and what’s at stake.

In a seminar on Oct. 1, and two more on Oct. 29 and Nov. 5, Brent walks seniors through Medicare Parts A, B, C and D, and the associated advantage plans available, with an emphasis on Part D, with which he is most involved.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Active Aging Week Brought Healthy Dishes, Massages, Wellness Examinations and More!

Kari Richie
By Kari Richie, Springmoor Health and Fitness Director

Active Aging Week began with our typical back-to-back Monday morning exercise classes. The day started in the pool with Aqua Fitness, followed by Total Body Fitness and then Seated Body Fitness. 

We offered delicious and nutritious strawberry, pineapple, blueberry and banana smoothies in between classes. Monday was the “Discover Your Community Scavenger Hunt” for both the residents and staff. About 50 people completed the indoor and outdoor scavenger hunts. Resident Aladine Rogers won a $50 Whole Foods gift card while three lucky employees won $20 gift cards.